Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008


this piece was done last wednesday...the side if the shop is better for it!


this stencil arrived over the weekend....

disneyland is dead

save $$$

bus stop number 9

THE 199 and 195 bus from new farm, the valley and the city stops directly at our front door

Get off the bus at this stop.............BUS STOP # 9

City Bus top opposite city hall, near the police beat on Adelaide Street.....GET ON HERE

OR HERE....this is the valley stop near the press club and empire

buses also leave from new farm central and along brunswick street near alibi room.
and of course from southbank/cultural centre....

Thursday, November 13, 2008

what does your t shirt say?

sick of wearing a billboard t shirt (advertising a brand)...?
sweatshop made in a thai factory for $2 sell in designer shop for $90...?
same as everybody else generic t shirt from the cool street wear shop...?


our racks are full vintage gold...

some pretty clothes.....

walls to paint...